May 28, 2024 - Special Board Meeting

1. Preliminary Items

Opening Prayer
Pledge of Allegiance

2. Call to Order
Mrs. Debbie Reidy, Board Member, President

Roll Call

Bolin ____ Brennan ____ Kissel ____ Reidy ____Tucker ____


Present:  Mr. Brennan, Mrs. Reidy and Mrs. Tucker

3. Approval of Agenda
Mrs. Debbie Reidy, Board Member, President

Motion to approve the agenda as presented.

Motion ____ Motion ____

Bolin ____ Brennan ____ Kissel ____ Reidy ____Tucker ____


Approved the agenda as presented.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Jessica Tucker, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. David Brennan, Board Member

Mrs. Debbie Reidy, Board Member, PresidentX  
Mr. Bill Bolin, Board Member   
Dr. David Brennan, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Kissel, Board Member, Vice President   
Mrs. Jessica Tucker, Board MemberX  

4. Superintendent's Report and Recommendations
Mr. James Grubbs, Superintendent

(Items: 4.1 to 4.5)

Motion ____ Motion ____

Bolin ____ Brennan ____ Kissel ____ Reidy ____Tucker ____


Approved Items 4.1 to 4.5.

Result: Approved

Motioned: Mrs. Jessica Tucker, Board Member

Seconded: Dr. David Brennan, Board Member

Mrs. Debbie Reidy, Board Member, PresidentX  
Mr. Bill Bolin, Board Member   
Dr. David Brennan, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Kissel, Board Member, Vice President   
Mrs. Jessica Tucker, Board MemberX  

4.1 Certified Personnel Hire

Recommend Board approval of Jarrod E. Vance as Elementary School Principal, two (2) year limited administrative contract, Professional Principals License, 220 days, $82,500, effective with the 2024-2025 contract year; contingent upon a successful (B.C.I./F.B.I.) criminal background screening, valid Ohio license from Ohio Department of Education & Workforce.

4.2 Certified Salary Adjustment

Recommend approval of the following for salary adjustment, effective with the 2024-2025 contract year:

  1. Christina Kelley, Bachelors + 15 to Masters
  2. Gary Matthew Stafford, Bachelors to Bachelors + 15

4.3 Classified Salary Adjustment

Recommend Board approval of the following classified salary adjustment, effective with the 2024-2025 contract year:

  1. Jan Robertson, Middle School Secretary, zero (0) years' experience to one (1) years' experience

4.4 Summer 2024 Cleaning Personnel

Recommend Board approval of the following 2024 Summer Cleaning Personnel, compensation will be according to the 2024 Summer Work Compensation Rates, contingent upon a clear criminal background check and completion of required documents:

  1. Colton Oliver, up to 12-weeks, zero (0) years' experience, student rate

4.5 Student Technology Aide

Recommend Board approval of the following student to work as Student Technology Aide, on an as needed basis, effective May 30, 2024 through August 19, 2024, not to exceed 29 hours per week, for preventative technology maintenance and machine removal/hook-up before the start and throughout the 2024-2025 school year; compensation will be according to the 2024 Summer Work Compensation Rates:

  1. Alina Durbin, zero (0) years' student experience rate

5. Adjournment

Time Meeting Adjourned:  ____: ____PM

Motion ____ Motion ____

Bolin ____ Brennan ____ Kissel ____ Reidy ____Tucker ____


Time Meeting Adjourned:  07:06 AM

Result: Approved

Motioned: Dr. David Brennan, Board Member

Seconded: Mrs. Jessica Tucker, Board Member

Mrs. Debbie Reidy, Board Member, PresidentX  
Mr. Bill Bolin, Board Member   
Dr. David Brennan, Board MemberX  
Mr. David Kissel, Board Member, Vice President   
Mrs. Jessica Tucker, Board MemberX