September 16, 2024 - Regular Board Meeting

Crestview Middle School Assembly Room
Monday, September 16 - 6:00pm

    1. Preliminary Items

    Opening Prayer
    Pledge of Allegiance

    2. Call to Order

    Roll Call

    Bolin ____ Brennan ____ Kissel ____ Reidy ____Tucker ____

    3. Agenda Corrections
    1. Under 10.  Superintendent's Recommendations, add item 10.18 Great Lakes Biomedical contract agreement.
    2. Under 11.  Items for Discussion, add 11.2 High School Auditorium Sound Upgrades

    4. Approval of Agenda

    Motion to approve the agenda ____as presented or ____with corrections.

    Motion ____ Motion ____

    Bolin ____ Brennan ____ Kissel ____ Reidy ____Tucker ____

    5. Correspondence

    6. Hearing of the Public

    (Attendees must register their intention to participate in the public portion of the meeting upon their arrival at the meeting with the Board Treasurer or designee. Public Participation at Board Meetings Form is available at each board meeting and on the district website.)

    *Per the Crestview Board of Education Policy Manual, in order for the Board to fulfill its obligation to complete the planned agenda in an effective and efficient fashion, a maximum of 30 minutes of public participation may be permitted at each meeting. Each person addressing the Board shall give his/her name and address. If several people wish to speak, each person is allotted three (3) minutes until the total time of 30 minutes is used. During that period, no person may speak twice until all who desire to speak have had the opportunity to do so. Persons desiring more time should follow the procedure of the Board to be placed on the regular agenda. The period of public participation may be extended by a vote of the majority of the Board, present and voting.

    7. Reports to the Board
    1. Jennifer Blackledge - Teacher Technology Bootcamp
    2. Dr. David Brennan - Academic Update 
    3. Superintendent's Report

    8. Board of Education Meeting Minutes

    Recommend Board approval of meeting minutes for:   August 19, 2024

    Motion ____ Motion ____

    Bolin ____ Brennan ____ Kissel ____ Reidy ____Tucker ____

    9. Treasurer's Items
    Mrs. Robin Klenk, Treasurer

    (Items: 9.1 to 9.4)

    Motion ____ Motion ____

    Bolin ____ Brennan ____ Kissel ____ Reidy ____Tucker ____

    9.1 Financial Statements

    Recommend Board approval of the Financial Statements for August 2024.

    9.2 Donations and Grants:

    Recommend Board approval of the following donations and grants:

    1. $48.33 from Clay Memorial Lutheran Church ( K-4 Elementary Supplies)
    2. $151.00 From Clay Memorial Lutheran Church (K-4 Elementary Supplies)
    3. $525.00 from Greenwich Tri Community Fire Department Autism (Special Education/Service Department)

    9.3 FY25 Permanent Appropriations at Fund Level

    Recommend Board approval of the FY25 Permanent Appropriations at Fund Level.

    9.4 Student Activity Accounts for the 2024-2025 SY

    Recommend Board approval of Student Activity Accounts for the 2024-2025 school year.

    10. Superintendent's Report and Recommendations
    Mr. James Grubbs, Superintendent

    (Items:  10.1 to 10.17 and addition of 10.18)

    Motion ____ Motion ____

    Bolin ____ Brennan ____ Kissel ____ Reidy ____Tucker ____

    10.1 Student Fundraisers

    Recommend Board approval of the following student fundraisers for the 2024-2025 school year:

    1. Elementary School - Pencil Machine - All year
    2. Elementary School - School Store - October 2024
    3. Elementary School Library - Scholastic Book Fair - November 6-13, 2024
    4. Middle School Principal's Fund - CMS Apparel - September 1, 2024
    5. Middle School Principal's Fund - Donations Collected for Specialized Dress Days - August 25-December 20, 2024
    6. Middle School Library - Scholastic Book Fair - November 6-13, 2024
    7. Middle School Student Council - Walk-A-Thon - October 1-18, 2024
    8. CHS Drama Club - Fall Dinner Theatre/Bake Sale - October 26-27, 2024
    9. CHS Boys/Girls Golf - MS/HS Students Pajama Days - December 6, 2024
    10. Crestview Prom 2025 - Chipotle Dine to Donate 25% of Sales - October 23, 2024
    11. Crestview Prom 2025 - Raffle Basket & Nacho Bar - March 15, 2025
    12. Crestview Prom 2025 - Pie the Staff - Pep Rally November 26, 2024
    13. Crestview Prom 2025 - Selling Candy Grams - December 2024
    14. High School Student Council - Homecoming Ticket Sales - September 23-27, 2024
    15. High School Mass Production - Several Student Sale Projects - September 15, 2024 - May 1, 2025
    16. High School NHS - Chipotle Dine to Donate - November 2024
    17. High School NHS - Bake Sale at Craft Show - November 16, 2024
    18. High School Art Club - Lolli Grams - February 6-19, 2025
    19. High School Yearbook - Community Paint & Sip - October 11, 2024
    20. High School Yearbook - Selling Yearbook Ads - September 9, 2024 - May 2025

    10.2 Certified Salary Adjustment

    Recommend Board approval of salary adjustment for the following, effective with the 2024-2025 contract year:

    1. Penny Grandy, Masters + 30 to Masters + 45

    10.3 Study Table Tutors 2024-2025 SY - CHS

    Recommend Board approval of the following as (9-12) Study Table Tutors, September 2024 through May 2025, occurring two (2) days/week, from 3-4:30 p.m., up to three (3) teachers per session, $24.00 tutor rate per hour, contingent upon number of student enrolled:  

    1. Erica Rucker
    2. Andrew Platt
    3. Brock Kelley
    4. Brenda Metz
    5. Ryan McClenathan

    10.4 Study Table Tutors 2024-2025 SY - CMS

    Recommend Board approval of the following as (5-8) Study Table Tutors, September 2024 through May 2025, occurring Wednesdays, from 3-4:00 p.m., and Thursdays, 7-7:30 a.m., up to three (3) teachers per session, $24.00 tutor rate per hour, contingent upon number of student enrolled:

    1. Angela Fennewald

    10.5 Science of Reading Professional Development Stipends

    Recommend Board approval of payment of Science of Reading professional development stipends to participating teachers per Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.

    10.6 Supplemental Contracts 2024-2025 SY

    Recommend Board approval of the following Supplemental Contracts for the 2024-2025 contract year, one (1) year limited contract, with automatic non-renewal at the end of the 2024-2025 contract year; compensation will be based upon teacher's negotiated contract; contingent upon if student participation deems necessary and upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position:

    1. Anna Stimpert, 7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach, Step 2

    10.7 Pupil Activity Contracts for 2024-2025 SY

    Recommend Board approval of the following Pupil Activity Contracts for the 2024-2025 contract year, one (1) year limited contract, with automatic non-renewal at the end of the 2024-2025 contract year; compensation will be based upon teacher's negotiated contract; contingent upon if student participation deems necessary and upon state certification and/or requirements applicable to the position:

    1. Mallorie McAvene - Asst. Drama Club - Step 0
    2. Grant Sproul - 8th Grade Girls Basketball Coach - Step 2

    10.8 Volunteers

    Recommend Board approval of the following as volunteers for the 2024-2025 school year; contingent upon completion of required documents:

    1. Alivia Gallaway - Volunteer Marching Band
    2. Nate Manges - Volunteer Wrestling Coach

    10.9 Hiring Substitute Teachers 2024-2025 SY

    Recommend Board approval of hiring of substitute teachers on an as needed basis from the list provided by Mid-Ohio ESC for the 2024-2025 school year:

    1. Kathleen Addlesperger
    2. Emma Aumend
    3. Ricky Chambers
    4. Betty Chapman
    5. Aubreion Chatman
    6. Charles Curren
    7. Debra Dean
    8. Jacob Gessner
    9. Connie Hanshaw
    10. Thomas Nesbitt
    11. Theresa Roth
    12. Stanley Wertz

    10.10 Classified Substitute Personnel

    Recommend Board approval of the following classified substitutes for the 2024-2025 school year; contingent upon a successful (B.C.I./F.B.I.) criminal background screening and completion of required documents:

    1. Haley Kamenik, Substitute Educational Aide

    10.11 Van Driver Personnel

    Recommend Board approval of the following as van driver personnel for the 2024-2025 school year; contingent upon completion of required documents:

    1. Rick Belcher
    2. Danielle Haydocy
    3. Brock Kelley
    4. Tim Kuhn
    5. Chad Lemon
    6. Mindy McPherran
    7. Callie Roberts
    8. Michelle Romosier

    10.12 K-6 Students LifeWise Academy

    Recommend Board approval of K-6 student participation in LifeWise Academy for the 2024-2025 SY.

    10.13 Transportation In-Lieu-Of 2024-2025 SY

    Recommend Board approval that the Crestview Local Board of Education, after examination of factors as identified in 3327.02 of the Ohio Revised Code, has declared by Board resolution that such transportation by school conveyance is "impractical" and hereby agrees to pay the parent or guardian of said pupil in-lieu-of of providing such service.  Payment will be based upon the reimbursement rate set by the Ohio Department of Education, payment made June 2025, for the 2024-2025 school year, for the following students:

    1. Richland School Academic Arts (1456 Park Ave. West, Mansfield, OH)
      1. Hayden Oakley, Gr. 7

    10.14 National Honor Society Conference Trip - Jan/Feb 2025

    Recommend Board approval of the Crestview High School National Honor Society students and advisor traveling to and attending the NHS conference in Chicago, IL, January 31, 2025 through February 2, 2025, funding source NHS Chapter Funds.

    10.15 SFSPac Food Service Sanitation & Safety Program Agreement

    Recommend Board approval of agreement with SFSPac Food Service Sanitation and Safety program, effective September 2024 through end of school year, annual, cost $5,085.00.

    10.16 Appleseed Community Mental Health Center, Inc. Agreement

    Recommend Board approval of service agreement with Appleseed Community Mental Health Center, Inc. to provide school based therapist service to students, effective August 15, 2024 through June 30, 2025, twelve (12) hours per week for 40 weeks for the 2024-2025 school year.

    10.17 School Bus Purchase

    Recommend Board approval of purchasing one 72-78 passenger Blue Bird Gasoline school bus from META /Cardinal Bus Sales, cost $121,760.00.  

    10.18 Great Lakes Biomedical Contract Agreement

    Recommend Board approval of contract agreement with Great Lakes Biomedical for student drug and alcohol testing for the 2024-2025 school year.

    11. Items for Discussion
    Mrs. Debbie Reidy, Board Member, President

    11.1 January 2025 Organizational & Regular Board Meeting Date

    Change Organizational and Regular Board meeting to:  January 13, 2025

    Motion ____ Motion ____

    Bolin ____ Brennan ____ Kissel ____ Reidy ____Tucker ____

    11.2 High School Auditorium Sound Upgrades

    Sound Solutions LLC Quote for high school auditorium sound upgrades, $35,365.00.

    Motion ____ Motion ____

    Bolin ____ Brennan ____ Kissel ____ Reidy ____Tucker ____

    12. Items from the Board
    Mrs. Debbie Reidy, Board Member, President

    13. Executive Session
    Mrs. Debbie Reidy, Board Member, President

    WHEREAS, as a public board of education may hold an executive session only after a majority of a quorum of this board determines by a roll call vote to hold such a session and only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of the consideration of any of the following matters:

    To consider one or more, as applicable, of the check marked items with respect to a public employee or official:

    • Appointment
    • Employment
    • Dismissal
    • Discipline
    • Promotion
    • Demotion
    • Compensation
    • Investigation of charges/complaints (unless public hearing requested)

    To consider the purchase of property for public purposes or for the sale of property at competitive bidding.
    Conferences with an attorney for the public body concerning disputes involving the public body that are the subject of pending or imminent court action.

    Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees concerning their compensation or other terms and conditions of their employment.

    Matters required to be kept confidential by federal law or rules or state statutes.

    Specialized details of security arrangements where disclosure of the matters discussed might reveal information that could be used for the purpose of committing or avoid prosecution for a violation of the law.

    To hear grievances brought before the Board at Level Three (Board Level) by OAPSE Local #775 or the Crestview Teachers Association.

    NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Crestview Local Board of Education, by a majority of the quorum present at this meeting, does hereby declare its intention to hold an executive session on item(s) Highlighted as listed above.

    Time entered into Executive Session:____: ____PM

    Motion ____ Motion ____

    Bolin ____ Brennan ____ Kissel ____ Reidy ____Tucker ____

    Time returned from Executive Session: ____: ____PM

    14. Adjournment
    Mrs. Debbie Reidy, Board Member, President

    Time Meeting Adjourned:____: ____PM

    Motion ____ Motion ____

    Bolin ____ Brennan ____ Kissel ____ Reidy ____Tucker ____
