January 8, 2024 Organizational Board of Education Meeting

Board of Education Central Office Assembly Room
Monday, January 8, 2024 - 6:00pm - 6:15pm


    Mr. Bill Bolin, Board Member

    Mrs. Debbie Reidy, Board President Pro Tempore

    2. Reorganization - President Pro-Tempore, Mrs. Debbie Reidy

    2.1 Administer Oath of Office to New And Re-Appointed Board Members
    Mrs. Robin Klenk, Treasurer

    Oath of Office of Re-Appointed Board Members:

    1. Dr. David Brennan - January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2027
    2. Mr. David Kissel - January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2027
    3. Mrs. Debbie Reidy - January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2027

    3. CALL TO ORDER - Roll Call
    Mrs. Robin Klenk, Treasurer

    Mrs. Reidy, Board President Pro Tempore

    Chair received nominations for the Office of President.

                         moved the nomination of                      for the office of President.  

                         moved that nominations be closed.

                         was elected President of Crestview Local Board of Education 2024.

    Mrs. Reidy, Board President Pro Tempore

    Chair received nominations for the Office of Vice President.

                         moved the nomination of                      for the office of Vice President. 

                         moved that nominations be closed.

                         was elected Vice President of Crestview Local Board of Education 2024.

    Mrs. Robin Klenk, Treasurer

    Board President

    7.1 Regular Meeting Dates and Times

    Recommendation to establish 2024 Crestview Local Board of Education Regular Meeting Times, Dates and Locations for the Board of Education as listed below: (*Dates are subject to change)

    Day: Typically the 3rd Monday of every month except as noted
    Time: Typically 6:00 p.m.
    Location: Typically Crestview Middle School Assembly Room

    1. * February 12, 2024
    2. March 18, 2024
    3. April 15, 2024
    4. May 20, 2024
    5. June 17, 2024 
    6. July 15, 2024
    7. August 19, 2024
    8. September 16, 2024
    9. October 21, 2024
    10. November 18, 2024
    11. December 16, 2024

    7.2 FY25 Tax Budget

    Review and approval of FY25 Tax Budget for the Crestview Local School District.

    7.3 Authorize Treasurer Payment on Bills

    Payment on Bills - authorize the Treasurer to pay all bills, except in cases where Board Policy applies, within the limits of the appropriations resolution as bills are received and when the merchandise has been received in good condition.

    7.4 Authorize the Treasurer and Board President to Sign Checks

    Approve the Treasurer and Board President to sign checks.

    7.5 Authorize Treasurer Advance on Tax Settlements

    Authorization for the Treasurer to secure advances from the Auditor when funds are available and payable to the school district.

    7.6 Authorize Treasurer Investment of Inactive Funds

    Authorization for the Treasurer to invest inactive funds at the most productive interest rate whenever inactive funds are available.

    7.7 Authorize Treasurer Appropriation Adjustments

    Authorization for the Treasurer to adjust any appropriation in the amount not to exceed $5,000.00 per any one appropriation over its original Board approved amount, without needing specific Board approval. The preceding authority is for appropriation sifts within a fund only. If the overall appropriation total for any fund is to be increased or decreased, it must be approved by the Board for any amount.

    7.8 Authorize the President and Treasurer to Borrow Money

    Authorize the President and Treasurer to borrow moneyif neededfor emergency situations. Such transactions to be presented for approval by the Board at the next regular meeting.

    7.9 Authorize the Treasurer to Issue Checks for Change Funds

    Authorize the Treasurer to issue checks for change funds as needed for food service, athletics, students activities, and principals' offices.

    7.10 Authorize the Treasurer to Compensate Board Members

    Authorize the Treasurer to compensate board members, according to current Board Policy, in an amount up to the maximum allowable compensation permitted by law.

    7.11 Authorize Board Members Participation in Group Health Insurance

    Authorize that Board members may participate at their own expense in group health, dental, vision, and life insurance plans provided to employees of the district as permitted by Ohio Revised Code 3313.202.

    7.12 Authorize of New Board Members Training

    Authorize the approval of new Crestview Local School District Board Member training, OSBA training or other education-related training workshops.

    7.13 Authorize the Treasurer as Designee to Attend Public Records Training

    Authorize the Treasurer as designee to attend public records training on behalf of board members (with the exception of newly elected board members).

    7.14 Resolution of Waiving Reading of Minutes

    Resolution recommending that the board of education, in accordance with Section 3313.26 O.R.C., waive the reading of minutes from previous meetings. Board policy provides that each board member receive a copy of the previous meeting's minutes prior to voting on their acceptance. Accordingly, it is not necessary for the treasurer to read the minutes of previous meetings prior to approval by the board.

    7.15 Authorize the Board of Education to Delegate Authority to Approve FMLA

    Authorize the Board of Education to delegate authority to approve FMLA requests to the Administration.

    7.16 Appointment of Purchasing Agent

    Appointment of Purchasing Agent - Authorizes the Superintendent to serve as the purchasing agent for the school district and authorizes the purchasing agent to approve purchases up to $25,000.00 without further Board action.  In addition, in the case of a catastrophic event, this limitation will not apply in order to restore operations of the district in the most expedient manner.

    7.17 Authorize Superintendent to Accept Resignations

    Authorize the Superintendent, on behalf of this Board, to accept resignations which have been submitted by employees during times when this Board is not in session, subject to ratification by this Board; provided however, that upon ratification by this Board, such resignations shall be deemed effective as of the date and time of the Superintendent's acceptance.

    7.18 Authorize The Superintendent to Make Offers of Employment

    Authorize the Superintendent, during periods when this Board is not in session, to make offers of employment directly to candidates for either teaching or nonteaching positions on behalf of this Board, and to acknowledge acceptance of such offers on behalf of this Board, subject to a subsequent vote of ratification by this Board; provided however, that upon ratification by this Board, the employment shall be deemed effective as of the date and time of the employee's acceptance of the Superintendent's offer.
    Nothing in this resolution shall require the Board of Education to employ or continue to employ an individual who has not provided a criminal records check satisfactory to the Board or who has not satisfied any other prerequisite to employment created by law or Board policy.

    7.19 Authorize Superintendent Employment of Temporary Personnel

    Employment of Temporary Personnel - Authorization for the Superintendent to employ personnel as needed for emergency situations. Such employment to be presented for approval by the Board at the next regular meeting.

    7.20 Authorize Superintendent Participation in State or Federal Projects

    Participation in State or Federal Projects Authorization for the Superintendent, without further action by said Board, to apply on behalf of said district to participate in any federal or state project or program for which approval by said Board is required. Authorize the Treasurer to pay stipends in the amount specified to Community Members/Staff Members when authorized by grant applications, i.e. Local Professional Development Committee, etc.

    7.21 Authorize Service Fund

    Service Fund Establishes a service fund in the amount of $10,000.00 to be a part of the general fund for the 2024 year, in accordance with section 3315.15 of the Ohio Revised Code.

    7.22 Authorize Superintendent and/or Treasurer to Attend Seminars, Meetings, Conferences

    The Superintendent and/or Treasurer be permitted to attend seminars, meetings, and conferences that constitute informative and professional growth for the benefit of the school district without further Board of Education action and that reasonable expenses in connection therewith be allowed.

    7.23 Authorize Compliance with The Civil Rights Act

    Compliance with the Civil Rights Act said Board in the expenditure of federal funds continues to comply with the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and with all other appropriate state and federal statutes, standards and regulations.

    7.24 Superintendent Shall Serve to Implement Adopted Board Policies

    Unless otherwise delegated by the Superintendent, the Superintendent shall serve in all capacities that require an annual Board of Education appointment to implement adopted Board policies.

    7.25 Authorize to Demonstrate Appreciation to its Employees

    The Board believes it is important to demonstrate appreciation to its employees. The Board authorizes the Superintendent to identify unique means of demonstrating the Board's appreciation. The following are examples of forms of this appreciation, but are not limited to: refreshments, small gifts, plaques, awards, flowers.

    7.26 Authorize Treasurer to Annually Balance Student Activity Accounts

    Authorize the Treasurer to annually balance all Student Activity Accounts within the parameters of Board approved appropriations.

    7.27 Authorize the Treasurer to Approve Tuition Rate Annually

    Authorize the Treasurer to approve the tuition rate annually, as set by the Ohio Department of Education.

    7.28 Authorize the Attendance at Special Schools Outside the District

    Authorize the attendance at special schools outside the district as needed; i.e. physically handicapped students for the upcoming school year.

    7.29 Authorize the Superintendent to Approve Facility Use Applications

    Authorize the Superintendent, on behalf of this Board, to approve Facility Use Applications.

    7.30 Recommend to Approve List of Firms of Legal Council

    Recommend to approve the following list of firms to be utilized for legal council for the Crestview Local School District for the calendar year 2024:

    1. Bricker & Eckler, LLP

    7.31 Designate District Newspapers

    Recommend to approve of designated District newspapers as: 

    1. Ashland Times Gazette
    2. Mansfield News Journal
    3. Richland Source.

    Board President

    The Board establishes the following as committee representation:

    8.1 Legislative Liaison (One Member)

                         nominated                      for Legislative Liaison Representative.  

                         second and moved that nominations be closed.  

                         was appointed as Legislative Liaison Representative.

    8.2 Building and Grounds (Two Members)

                         nominated                      and                      for Building and Grounds Representatives.  

                         second and moved that nominations be closed.  

                         and                     was appointed as Building and Grounds Representatives.

    8.3 Student Achievement Liason (One Member)

                         nominated                      for Student Achievement Liaison Representative.  

                         second and moved that nominations be closed.  

                         was appointed as Student Achievement Liaison Representative.

    8.4 Curriculum / Instruction Liaison (One Member)

                         nominated                      for Curriculum / Instruction Liaison Representative.

                        second and moved that nominations be closed.  

                         was appointed as Curriculum / Instruction Liaison Representative.

    8.5 Staff Relations Committee (Two Members)

                         nominated                      and                      for Staff Relations Committee Representatives.  

                         second and moved that nominations be closed.  

                         and                     were appointed as Staff Relations Representatives.

    8.6 Finance Committee (Two Members)

                         nominated                      and                      for Finance Committee Representatives.  

                         second and moved that nominations be closed.  

                         and                     were appointed as Finance Committee Representatives.

    Board President

